External Links
- Venderbosch, R., Pyrolysis in COCO flowsheeting, as presented at the CAPE-OPEN AGM, October 2021
- Möller, K., The use of CAPE-OPEN tools, COCO, Chemsep, in the teaching of undergraduate students at universities in southern Africa, Presented at the 2018 CAPE-OPEN Annual Conference, Ludwigshafen, Germany, October 2018
- van Baten, J.M., Baur, R., "COCO 3.0: Some experiences with multi-threading". Presented at the 2015 CAPE-OPEN Annual Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 2015 (slides and notes)
- Kooijman, H, Taylor, R., "ChemSep / Cape-Open Property Packages". Presented at the 2015 CAPE-OPEN Annual Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 2015 (slides)
- van Baten, J.M., CAPE-OPEN COM Objects Without Fringes. Presented at the 2014 CAPE-OPEN Annual Conference, Mörfelden, Germany, September 2014
- van Baten, J.M., Baur, R., COCO, the power of component based flowsheeting, Universitat Politècnica de València, June 2015.
- Evans, M., and Brown, L., CAPE-OPEN Models for Hg Speciation and Partitioning Flowsheet Development. Presented at AIChE, October 30 2012, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania (slides)
- Taylor, R., Kooijman, H., Walker, B., van Baten, J.M., Modelling Luyben's Chemical Processes with COCO + Chemsep. Presented at the AIChE annual meeting, Minneapolis, October 2011 (slides)
- Barrett, W.M., and van Baten, J.M., Evaluating Process Sustainability Using Flowsheet Monitoring. Presented at ECCE-8, September 29 2011, Berlin, Germany (slides and notes)
- Blagov, S., van Baten, J.M. and Pons, M., Thermo SIG Progress Report 2010 and Future Outlook. Presented at ECCE-8, September 28 2011, Berlin, Germany (slides and notes, computer voice version)
- Baur, R., van Baten, J.M. and Pons, M., Advances on CAPE-OPEN Unit Operation interfaces. Presented at ECCE-8, September 27 2011, Berlin, Germany (slides and notes, computer voice version)
- van Baten, J.M., Barret, W.M. and Pons, M., Incentives for a new CAPE-OPEN object model. Presented at ECCE-8, September 27 2011, Berlin, Germany (slides and notes)
- López, R.E., Pernalete, C.G., Desarrollo de los modelos termodinámicos de
chao-seader, grayson-streed y lee-erbar-edmister modificado como componentes CAPE-OPEN. Presented at VI CAIQ 2010.
- van Baten, J.M., Taylor, R. and Kooijman, H., Using Chemsep, COCO and other modeling tools for versatility in custom process modeling. Extended abstract of presentation, AIChE annual meeting, Saltlake city, November 2010 (slides and notes)
- van Baten, J.M., Consuming CAPE-OPEN Thermodynamics from Multi-threaded applications. Extended abstract of presentation, AIChE annual meeting, Saltlake city, November 2010 (slides and notes)
- van Baten, J.M., Pons, M., "Rapid prototyping of unit operation models using generic tools and CAPE-OPEN". Presented at the 6th US CAPE-OPEN conference, AIChE annual meeting, Nashville, November 2009 (slides and notes)
- van Baten, J.M., Rapid prototyping of unit operation models using generic tools and CAPE-OPEN, extended abstract, 6th US CAPE-OPEN conference, AIChE annual meeting, Nashville, November 2009.
- van Baten, J.M. and Barrett, W.M., Technical notes on implementation of CAPE-OPEN material objects. Training material for the 2009 European CAPE-OPEN Conference, Freising, Germany (slides and notes)
- Szczepanski, R., van Baten, J.M., Williams, T., "Who Knows Where the Time Goes? Computational overheads of using the thermodynamics interfaces". Presented at the 2009 European CAPE-OPEN Conference, Freising, Germany (slides and notes)
- van Baten, J.M., Flowsheet Monitoring with CAPE-OPEN, presentation slides & notes, 5th US CAPE-OPEN conference, AIChE annual meeting, Philadelphia, November 2008.
- Taylor, R. and van Baten, J.M., Introduction to flowsheeting with COCO and ChemSep (slides and notes)
- van Baten, J.M., Flowsheet Monitoring, How, What and Why, extended abstract of presentation, 5th US CAPE-OPEN conference, AIChE annual meeting, Philadelphia, November 2008.
- Kooijman, H. and Taylor, R, Chapter 3: CAPE-OPEN Flowsheet Simulations with ChemSep, part of The ChemSep book, 2nd edition.
- van Baten, J.M., Reactions to COCO, as presented on 5th European CAPE-OPEN conference and AGM in Cambridge, April 2008 (or see with notes)
- van Baten, J.M., An introduction to COCO, extended abstract of presentation (presentation slides), 4th US CAPE-OPEN conference, AIChE annual meeting, Saltlake City, November 2007.
- Taylor, R., Kooijman, H., van Baten, J.M., CAPE-OPEN Overhead in Distillation Modeling, AIChE presentation by Ross Taylor, San Francisco, Nov 2006
- van Baten, J.M., A look into the CAPE-OPEN kitchen of COCO, Launch of COCO, CO-LaN annual meeting, Cannes, March 2006
Articles referring to COCO
- Andreasen, A., van Baten, J.M., Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization of Gray and Green Methanol Synthesis Using Flowsheet Automation and Surrogate Modeling, Energy Fuels 2025
- Krone, D, Esche, E, Skiborowski, M, Repke, J-U, Optimization-based process synthesis by phenomena-based building blocks and an MINLP framework featuring structural screening, Computers and Chemical Engineering 194 (2025) 108955
- Cook, M., Peeva, L.G., Livingston, A.G., Separation of an azeotropic mixture through the use of organic solvent nanofiltration, Separation and Puriϧcation Technology 353 (2025) 128480
- Gao, Q., Schweidtmann, A.M., Deep reinforcement learning for process design: Review and perspective, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2024, 44:101012
- Deliismail, O.,Seker, E., Mini modular plant design for ethylene production using Martian atmosphere on Mars, Advances in Space Research 73 (2024) 2674-2684
- Pettersen, T., Cossar, E., Bergstrøm, T.H., Raka Y.D., Lee S., Zenith, F., Simulation study on preventing explosive mixture formation in PEM electrolysers’ water recovery tanks, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 84 (2024) 1021-1032
- Varandas, B, Oliveira, M, Borges, A., Analytical and Numerical Thermodynamic Equilibrium Simulations of Steam Methane Reforming: A Comparison Study, Reactions 2024, 5, 246–25
- Varandas, B., Oliveira, M., Andrade, C., Borges, A., Thermodynamic Equilibrium Analysis of CO2 Methanation through Equilibrium Constants: A Comparative Simulation Study, Physchem 2024, 4, 258-27
- Bisotti, F., Gilardi, M., Berglihn, O.T., Tschentscher, R., Hansen, L.D., Horn, S.J, Várnai, A., Wittgens, B., From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note I: Conceptual process design and simulation, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 53, 2024, Pages 2449-2454
- Gilardi, M, Bisotti, F., Berglihn, O.T., Tschentscher, R., Hansen, L.D., Horn, S.J., Várnai, A., Wittgens, B., From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note II: Preliminary techno-economic assessment, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 53, 2024, Pages 2653-265
- Alqaheem, Y. and Alobaid, M., Development of a membrane process in CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN (COCO) simulator for carbon dioxide separation, Results in Engineering (2024), 22, 102239
- Gilardi, M.,Bisotti, F., Berglihn, O.T., Tschentscher, R., Eijsink, V.G.H., Várnai, A., Wittgens, B., Soft modelling of spruce conversion into bio-oil through pyrolysis – Note I: steam explosion and LPMO-activated enzymatic saccharification, Proc. 33rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE33), June 18-21 (2023) Athens, Greece
- Csendes, V, F, Egedy, A., Leveneur, S, Kummer, A., Application of Multi-Software Engineering: A Review and a Kinetic Parameter Identification Case Study, Processes (2023), 11, 1503
- de Villiers, R., Kooijman, H.A., Taylor, R., Parallel column model for reactive dividing wall column simulation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design 194 (2023) 366–375
- Kooijman, H.A., Zhou, J., Taylor, R., Application of a new parallel column model to simulating maldistribution in packed columns, Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 171 (2022) 108436
- Neveux, T., Addis, B., Castel, C., Piccialli, V., Favre, E., A comparison of process synthesis approaches for multistage separation processes by gas permeation, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (51), 2022, 685-690
- Matsumoto, H., Kurahashib, K. , Tachikawaa, H., Isekib, T., Synthesis and Assessment of NOx to Ammonia Conversion Process in Combined Cycle Power Generation Systems, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (49), 2022, 253-258
- Zalazar-Garcia, D., Fernandez, A., Rodriguez-Ortiz, L., Torres, E., Reyes-Urrutia, A., Echegaray, M., Rodriguez, R., Mazza, G., Exergo-ecological analysis and life cycle assessment of agro-wastes using a combined simulation approach based on Cape-Open to Cape-Open (COCO) and SimaPro free-software, Renewable Energy 201 (2022) 60–71
- McFarlan, A, Maffei, N., Assessing a commercial steam methane reforming catalyst for tar removal in biomass gasification, Bioresource Technology Reports 17 (2022) 100968
- Stops, L., Leenhouts, R., Gao, Q., Schweidtmann, A.M., Flowsheet generation through hierarchical reinforcement learning and graph neural networks, AIChE J, open acces, Oct 2022.
- Krone, D.,Esche, E., Asprion, N., Skiborowski, M.,Repke, J.-U., Enabling optimization of complex distillation configurations in GAMS with CAPE-OPEN thermodynamic models, Computers and Chemical Engineering 157 (2022) 107626
- Brondani , M., Peyrot, C., Souza Fagundez, J.L., Hoffmann, R., Dias Mayer, F., Economical and environmental assessment of electric power generation on small scale in Brazil using wet ethanol, Journal of Cleaner Production 333 (2022) 130217
- Biasi, L.C.K., Batista, F.R.M., Zemp , R.J., Romano, A.L.R., Heinkenschloss, M., Meirelles, A.J.A., Parastillation and metastillation applied to bioethanol and neutral alcohol purification with energy savings, Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 162 (2021) 108334
- Krone, D., Esche, E., Asprion, N., Skiborowski, M., J.-U. Repke, Conceptual Design Based on Superstructure Optimization in GAMS with Accurate Thermodynamic Models, Proc. 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering ESCAPE30 (2020), 871-876
- Rosa, L.P.S., Pontes, K.V., Costa, G.M.N., Penteado, A.T., Esche, E., Repke, J.-U., An equation-oriented novel approach for modeling the falling film absorber using rigorous thermodynamic and transport description, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 159 (2020) 179-194
- E.B. Melo, E.T. Oliveira and T.D. Martins, Neural network correlation for molar density and specific heat of water: Predictions at pressures up to 100 MPa, Fluid Phase Equilibria 506 (2020)
- Olmedo Gómez, Castaños Calleja, M., Aldea Fernández, L., Kiedrzyńska, A. Lewtak, R., Application of the CFD simulation to the evaluation of natural gas replacement by syngas in burners of the ceramic sector, Energy 185 (2019) 15-27
- Tangsathitkulchai, C, Punsuwan, P, Weerachanchai, P, Simulation of Batch Slow Pyrolysis of Biomass Materials Using the Process-Flow-Diagram COCO Simulator, Processes 2019, 7(11), 775
- Poort, J.P., Ramdin, M., van Kranendonk, J., Vlugt, T.J.H., Solving vapor-liquid flash problems using artificial neural networks, Fluid Phase Equilibria 490 (2019) 39-47
- Zhou, J., Kooijman, H.A., Taylor, R., Parallel column model for Dividing Wall Column simulations, Computers and Chemical Engineering 125 (2019) 114–133
- Baur, R., Better together; Enabling interoperation of process simulation software via CAPE-OPEN, Feature article in The Chemical Engineer, January 11 (2019)
- Tolksdorf, G., Esche, E., Wozny, G., Repke, J.-U., Customized code generation based on user specifications for simulation and optimization, Computers and Chemical Engineering 121 (2019) 670-684
- Hintze, P.E., Meier, A.J., Shah, M.G., DeVor, R., Sabatier System Design Study for a Mars ISRU Propellant Production Plant, 48th International Conference on Environmental Systems ICES-2018-155, 8-12 July 2018, Albuquerque, New Mexic
- Adams II, T.A., Learn Aspen Plus in 24 Hours, McGraw-Hill Education (2018), ISBN: 9781260116458
- Tgarguifa, A., Abderafi, S., Bounahmidi, T., Energy efficiency improvement of a bioethanol distillery, by replacing a rectifying column with a pervaporation unit, Renewable Energy 122 (2018) 239-250
- Tgarguifa, A., Abderafi, S., Bounahmidi, T., Energetic optimization of Moroccan distillery using simulation and response surface methodology, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 (2017) 415–425
- Gohil, J., Doshi, S., Chheda, D., Prasad, A., Simulation Of Aqua-Ammonia Refrigeration System Using The Cape-Open To Cape-Open (COCO) Simulator, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 6(3), 2017
- Attarakih, M, Alzyodb, S., Fricke, A., Population balance modelling of pulsed packed bed extraction columns using PPBLab software, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 27 October 1st - 5th, 2017, Barcelona
- Salpingidou, C., Vlahostergios, Z., Misirlis, D., Donnerhack, S., Flouros, M., Goulas, A., Yakinthos, K., Thermodynamic analysis of recuperative gas turbines and aero engines, Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 250-260
- Tolksdorf, G., Esche, E., Wozny, G., Repke, J.-U., Automatic Generation of Simulation Code for Embedding Custom Unit Operations in CAPE Software, Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 27, October 1st - 5th, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- Andreadou, C. and Martinopoulos, G, CAPE-OPEN simulation of waste-to-energy technologies for urban cities, International Journal of Sustainable Energy vol 37 no 1 (2018) 96-104
- Attarakih, M., Alzyod, S. and Fricke, A., Population balance modelling of pulsed packed bed extraction columns using PPBLab software, Computers Aided Chemical Engineering 40 (2017) 67-72
- Sepiacci P., Depetri, V., Manca, D., A systematic approach to the optimal design of chemical plants withwaste reduction and market uncertainty, Computers and Chemical Engineering 102 (2017) 96-109
- Todd, R., Baroutian, S., A techno-economic comparison of subcritical water, supercritical CO2 and organic solvent extraction of bioactives from grape marc, Journal of Cleaner Production 158 (2017) 349-358
- Salpingidou, C., Vlahostergios, Z.,Misirlis, D., Donnerhack, S., Flouros, M., Goulas, A., Yakinthos, K., Thermodynamic analysis of recuperative gas turbines and aero engines, Applied Thermal Engineering 124 (2017) 250-260
- Tolksdorf, G.,Esche, E., van Baten, J.M., Wozny, G., Taylor-Made Modeling and Solution of Novel Process Units by Modular CAPE-OPEN-based Flowsheeting, Proceedings of the 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (2016)
- Corredor, E.C., Chitta, P., Deo, M., Membrane reactor system model for gas conversion to benzene, Fuel, 179 (2016), 202-209
- Vieira A. L., Lima L. F., Conceição W. A. S., Andrade C. M., Energy and Exergy Analysis of Sugarcane Industry Using Free Simulator, Engenharia Térmica (Thermal Engineering), Vol. 15, No. 1, June 2016, 9-14
- Morgan E.R., Acker, T.L., Practical Experience With a Mobile Methanol Synthesis Device, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 137 issue 6 (2015), DOI: 10.1115/1.4031513
- Petrescu, L., Cormos, C., Waste reduction algorithm applied for environmental impact assessment of coal gasification with carbon capture and storage, Journal of Cleaner Production 104 (2015) 220-235
- Jullok, N., Patricia, L., Degrève, J. , Van der Bruggen, B., A cascaded pervaporation process for dehydration of acetic acid. Chemical Engineering Science 105 (2014) 208 - 212
- Gozálvez-Zafrilla, J.M., Santafé-Moros, A., Sanchis-Sebastiá, M and Gomis-Fons, J., Implementation of membrane models on a CAPE-OPEN tool to simulate a process including RO membranes, Desalination and Water Treatment (2014), DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.995718
- van Baten, J., Pons, M., CAPE-OPEN: Interoperability in Industrial Flowsheet Simulation Software, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2014, 86, No. 7, 1-14
- Dimian, A.C., Bildea, C.S., Kiss, A.A., Chapter 2 - Introduction in Process Simulation, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 35, 2014, Pages 35-71 (chapter 2 of: Dimian, A.C., Bildea, C.S., Kiss, A.A., Integrated design and simulation of chemical processes, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-62700-1, 2014)
- Coronel, L., Múnera, J.F., Tarditi, A.M., Moreno, M.S., Cornaglia, L.M., Hydrogen production by ethanol steam reforming over Rh nanoparticles supported on lanthana/silica systems, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 160-161 (2014) 254-266
- Peshev, D., Livingston, A.G., OSN Designer, a tool for predicting organic solvent nanofiltration technology performance using Aspen One, MATLAB and CAPE OPEN, Chemical Engineering Science 104 (2013), 975-987
- De María, R., Díaz, I., Rodríguez, M., and Sáiz, A., Industrial Methanol from Syngas: Kinetic Study and Process Simulation, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering 11/1 (2013) 1-9
- Parvez, A., Luis, P., Ooms, T., Vreysen, S., Vandezande, P., Degrève, J., Van der Bruggen, B., Separation of ethyl acetate–isooctane mixtures by pervaporation and pervaporation-based hybrid methods, Chemical Engineering Journal 210 (2012) 252-262
- Dauber, F., Span, R., Achieving higher accuracies for process simulations by implementing the new reference equation for natural gases. Computers and Chemical Engineering 37 (2012) 15-21
- Dauber, F., Span, R., Modelling liquefied-natural-gas processes using highly accurate property models, Applied Energy 97 (2012) 822-827
- Attarakih, M., Al-Zyoda, S., Abu-Khader, M., Bart, H.J., PPBLAB: A new multivariate population balance environment for particulate system modelling and simulation, Procedia Engineering 42, 1445-1462, 2012
- Attarakih, M., Albaraghthi, T., MazenAbu-Khader, M., Al-Hamamre, Z., Bart, H.J., Mathematical modeling of high-pressure oil-splitting reactor using a reduced population balance model, Chemical Engineering Science, 84, 276-291, 2012
- Pernalete, C., Torres, B, Moreno, A., Reactores de la tecnología HDHPLUS® como componentes de simulación interoperables, Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería. Edición Especial: "Jornada de Modelado y Simulación" pp. 1-8, 2011
- Barrett, W.M., van Baten, J.M. and Martin, T., Implementation of the waste reduction (WAR) algorithm utilizing flowsheet monitoring, Computers and Chemical Engineering 35 (2011) 2680-2686
- van Baten, J.M., Szczepanski, R., A thermodynamic equilibrium reactor model as a CAPE-OPEN unit operation, Computers and Chemical Engineering 35 (2011) 1251-1256
- Dauber, F., Span, R. and Schley, R. Influence of Thermodynamic Property Models on LNG Process Simulation", gwf International - gas solutions, 13, 70-72 (2010)
- Fermeglia, M., Longo, G., Toma, L., Computer Aided Design for Sustainable Industrial Processes: Specific Tools and Applications, AIChE Journal, Vol. 55, No. 4, p 1065 (2009)
- Radermecker, E., Dumont, M.-R., Heyen, G., Adaptation and testing of data reconciliation software for CAPE-OPEN compliance, 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE19, 2009
- Fermeglia, M., Pricl, S., Multiscale molecular modeling in nanostructured material design and process system engineering, Computers and Chemical Engineering 33 (2009) 1701-1710
- Lang, Y., Malacina, A., Biegler, L.T., Munteanu, S., Madsen, J.I., Zitney, S.E., Reduced Order Model Based on Principal Component Analysis for Process Simulation and Optimization, Energy & Fuels, 23, 1695-1706 (2009)
- Morales-Rodríguez, R., Gani, R., Déchelotte, S., Vacher, A., Baudouin, O., Use of CAPE-OPEN standards in the interoperability between modelling tools (MoT) and process simulators (Simulis Thermodynamics and ProSimPlus), Chem.Eng.Res.Des. 86, pp 823-833 (2008)
- Fermeglia, M., Longo, G., Toma, L., COWAR: A CAPE OPEN Software Module for the Evaluation of Process Sustainability, Environmental Progress, Vol.27, No.3, p 373 (2008)
- Kooijman, H., Taylor, R., and van Baten, J.M., The ChemSep/COCO Casebook: Air Separation Unit, CACHE News, Winter 2007.
- van Baten, J.M., Kooijman, H. and Taylor, R., Flowsheeting for Free with COCO, CACHE News, Winter 2007.
- Baur, R., van Baten, J.M., Kooijman, H., Drewitz, W., Cross Platform Modeling of Chemical Processes with CAPE-OPEN, NPT, 4, 22-24 (2006)