CAPE-OPEN constant properties
For a complete reference of properties, please see CAPE-OPEN version 1.0 thermodynamic interface and CAPE-OPEN version 1.1 thermodynamic interface.
The following compound properties may be available for any given compound:
Thermo version 1.0 name | Thermo version 1.1 name | description |
iupacName | iupacName | Complete IUPAC Name |
casRegistryNumber | casRegistryNumber | Chemical Abstract Sequencing Number (CAS) |
chemicalFormula | chemicalFormula | Chemical formula (brutto, nomenclature according to Hill) |
structureFormula | structureFormula | Chemical structure formula |
SMILESformula | SMILESformula | SMILES chemical structure formula |
acentricFactor | acentricFactor | Pitzer Acentric Factor |
associationParameter | associationParameter | Association-Parameter (Hayden-O'Connell) |
BornRadius | BornRadius | Born radius |
charge | charge | Charge |
criticalCompressibilityFactor | criticalCompressibilityFactor | Critical Compressibility Factor |
criticalDensity | criticalDensity | Critical Density |
criticalPressure | criticalPressure | Critical Pressure |
criticalTemperature | criticalTemperature | Critical Temperature |
criticalVolume | criticalVolume | Critical Volume |
diffusionCoefficient | diffusionCoefficient | Diffusion coefficient |
diffusionVolume | diffusionVolume | Diffusion volume |
dipoleMoment | dipoleMoment | Dipole Moment |
heatOfFusionAtNormalFreezingPoint | heatOfFusionAtNormalFreezingPoint | Heat of Melting at melting point (1.01325 bar) |
heatOfVaporizationAtNormalBoilingPoint | heatOfVaporizationAtNormalBoilingPoint | Heat of Vaporization at boiling point (1.01325 bar) |
idealGasEnthalpyOfFormationAt25C | idealGasEnthalpyOfFormationAt25C | Ideal gas enthalpy of formation at 25C |
idealGasGibbsFreeEnergyOfFormationAt25C | idealGasGibbsFreeEnergyOfFormationAt25C | Ideal gas Gibbs free energy of formation at 25C |
energyLennardJones | energyLennardJones | Lennard-Jones energy parameter divided by Boltzmann constant |
lengthLennardJones | lengthLennardJones | Lennard-Jones length parameter |
liquidDensityAt25C | liquidDensityAt25C | Liquid Density at 25 C |
liquidVolumeAt25C | liquidVolumeAt25C | Liquid Volume at 25 C |
parachor | parachor | Parachor |
gyrationRadius | gyrationRadius | Radius of Gyration |
molecularWeight | molecularWeight | Relative molecular mass |
StandardEnthalpyAqueousDilution | StandardEnthalpyAqueousDilution | Standard aqueous infinite dilution enthalpy |
standardEntropyGas | standardEntropyGas | Standard Entropy of Gas |
standardEntropyLiquid | standardEntropyLiquid | Standard Entropy of Liquid |
standardEntropySolid | standardEntropySolid | Standard Entropy of Solid |
standardFormationEnthalpyGas | standardFormationEnthalpyGas | Standard Formation Enthalpy of Gas |
standardFormationEnthalpyLiquid | standardFormationEnthalpyLiquid | Standard Formation Enthalpy of Liquid |
standardFormationEnthalpySolid | standardFormationEnthalpySolid | Standard Formation Enthalpy of Solid |
standardFreeFormationEnthalpyGas | standardFormationGibbsEnergyGas | Standard Formation Enthalpy of Gas |
standardFreeFormationEnthalpyLiquid | standardFormationGibbsEnergyLiquid | Standard Formation Enthalpy of Liquid |
standardFreeFormationEnthalpySolid | standardFormationGibbsEnergySolid | Standard Free Formation Enthalpy of Solid |
StandardGibbsAqueousDilution | StandardGibbsAqueousDilution | Standard aqueous infinite Gibbs energy |
normalBoilingPoint | normalBoilingPoint | Temperature at boiling point (1.01325 bar) |
normalFreezingPoint | normalFreezingPoint | Temperature of normal melting point (1.01325 bar) |
triplePointPressure | triplePointPressure | Triple Point Pressure |
triplePointTemperature | triplePointTemperature | Triple Point Temperature |
vanderwaalsArea | vanderwaalsArea | Van der Waals Area |
vanderwaalsVolume | vanderwaalsVolume | Van der Waals Volume |