COCO - CAPE-OPEN to CAPE-OPEN simulation environment


List of used symbols

$a$ Cubic EOS parameter
$b$ Cubic EOS parameters
$B$ Second virial coefficient, m3/mol
$c$ Number of compounds
$C_p$ Mass heat capacity, J/kg/K
$k_{ij}$ Binary interaction coefficient (for EOS)
$M$ Molecular mass, kg/mol
$R$ Gas constant, 8.134 J/mol/K
$P$ Pressure, Pa
$P^{*}$ Vapour pressure, Pa
$P_{vap}$ Vapour pressure, Pa
$P_i$ Parachor of compound i, m3 kg1/4 / s1/2
$PF$ Poynting correction factor
$q$ UNIQUAC surface area parameter
$T$ Temperature, K
$T_r$ Reduced temperature, T / Tc
$T_b$ Normal boiling temperature, K
$V$ Molar volume, m3/mol
$V_b$ Molar volume at normal boiling point, m3/mol
$V_s$ Saturated molar volume, m3/mol
$w$ Weight fraction (of compound)
$x$ Liquid mole fraction (of compound)
$y$ Vapour mole fraction (of compound)
$Z$ Compressibility factor
$Z_R$ Racket parameter

Greek symbols

$\alpha$ Attractive parameter in EOS
$\omega$ Acentric factor
$\Omega_a$ EOS parameter
$\Omega_b$ EOS parameter
$\Omega_v$ Collision integral for viscosity
$\gamma$ Activity coefficient
$\delta$ Stockmayer parameter
$\epsilon$ Molecular energy parameter, K
$\lambda$ Thermal conductivity, W/m/K
$\rho$ Molar density, mol/m3
$\eta$ Viscosity, Pa s
$\phi_i$ Fugacity coefficient of compound i
$\phi_ij$ Interaction parameter for viscosities
$\phi^{*}$ Pure fugacity coefficient at saturation
$\sigma$ Surface tension, N/m
$\sigma_b$ Surface tension at normal boiling point, N/m
$\mu$ Dipole moment, Debye


$L$ Liquid
$V$ Vapor, or gas
$G$ Vapor, or gas
$*$ Saturated liquid


$b$ At normal boiling point
$c$ Critical
$i$ Of compound i
$j$ Of compound j
$m$ Mixture
$r$ Reduced
$s$ Saturated liquid


EOS Equation of State
RK Redlich-Kwong
SRK Soave Redlich-Kwong
PR Peng-Robinson